I just had an informative few minutes listening to the first chapter of Ron Ploof's new book Read This First!. The book was made for people, especially corporate managers or anyone involved with marketing, who are faced with the challenge of dealing with new media like Twitter, YouTube, or podcasting, but have very little idea of what it is all about.
While Ron Ploof's book may not answer all of your questions, he does make it easy to for you to get in touch with his ideas. You can read the book, or be like me and listen to the podcast for free. Podcasts are a mystery to you? No, problem, just go to http://www.ronamok.com/readthisfirst/index.html and play the chapters right on the site.
Thanks for the writeup and links, Todd!
Sounds like Ron is capable of bringing enough social media strategies for the beginners. I believe, not only the webmaster's, but it's a pretty basic need of today's business owner whom business generally rely on the Internet.
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